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Sydney Lash Pro

How To Get Long Lasting Lash Retention - Checklist

1. Is My Adhesive Fresh?

The the moment you open your bottle of adhesive it slowly begins to degrade.

Each time you open adhesive moisture is getting inside, gradually weakening the adhesives strength. This is why we recommend changing your adhesive every 4 weeks to ensure you adhesive is working to its full potential.

2. Storing Adhesive Correctly

But to summarise, keep your glue in a cool, dry, air tight container. making sure to burp your adhesive bottle after every use, and keep you nozzle clean! (more in-depth tips here).

3. Proper Lash Prep

Having your prepared the lashes before you start your application?

This starts from before your client walks into their lash service. Make sure to remind your client to have no makeup, moisturisers or oily based products around the eyes.

Use a lash extension approved lash shampoo to ensure lashes are clean. And follow up with primer. These steps are used for both infills and full sets.

4. Having Correct Room Temperature & Humidity

Read your lash adhesives for recommendations of what environment it works best in and track it.

It is important to have a hydrometer close to your work space to measure temperature and humidity. Not only does this ensure if humidity is too high (shock curing) or too low (slow drying, leading to potential "stickies") but also that your room temperature won't affect the way your adhesive preforms.

If you find you room temperature and/or humidity are out of the recommended range you can use an air-conditioner, dehumidifier and/or humidifier to control these levels.

Going off this information you will then be able to choose an adhesive that will work with that environment. Check out these two adhesives and see what might work best for you:

Adore Lash Adhesive 1-2 Second drying

Deluxe Lash Adhesive 0.5-1 Second drying

Perfect working environment for perfect lashes!

5. Having Fresh Glue Drops Every 10 Minutes

You've taken care of your adhesive, and controlled its environment, there's more?

Lash adhesive can be your best friend, but one that needs lots of attention. You just have to make sure these small steps are in your lash routine and you will notice your retention becoming even more amazing.

As your glue drop sits out on your jade stone it will slowly start curing from within the droplet over time. Making sure you change glue drops every 10 minutes will allow for fresh adhesive with every dip.

6. How Fast Do You Lash?

Lashes take time, depending on your lash speed will determine you lash adhesive.

Not all adhesives are made the same. If you find you lashes are dry too quick when applying to the natural lash, you may need a slower drying adhesive. And if it is taking too long to cure once placed on the natural lash, might be time to get a faster drying adhesive.

This issue may also contribute to room humidity, so if your humidity range is correct than consider the above adhesive recommendation.

7. Is The Base Of The Lash Extension Bonded To The Natural Lash?

Make sure that you are placing the base of the lash extension to the natural lash.

Otherwise, placing further up than the base will cause extensions to pop off the natural lashes as the bond will not smoothly bled with the natural lash.

8. Are The Extensions Too Long?

We all have those clients that want "as much length as possible"

And while they might look nice and are able to stick to the natural lash, it is not always an ideal way of lashing if it is not suitable for their natural lashes.

Depending on the length of your clients natural lashes will determine what extension lengths should be used, we recommend not going any longer than 3mm. Anything longer can cause weight issues, therefore premature lash extensions falling out and possible damage to the natural lashes over time.

9. Is Your Client Following Aftercare Instructions?

You may have smashed that lash service, following every retention tip to a tee... BUT if your client isn't following aftercare, this can affect retention dramatically.

It is out job as their lash technician to educate our clients. Especially if it is their first service with you. Discuss after care during their appointment and follow up with giving them an after care card or message to remind them the simple steps to keep their lashes beautiful and long lasting.

5. Trying a Super Bonder

If you have checked everything off this list and are looking for the next step to the best retention, this might be for you.

Super bonder is a product you use at the end of your lash service to extend the possible retention the set has. Cyanoacrylate, which

is the active ingredient in lash extension adhesive, must polymerize for the adhesive to dry/cure. This process turns the adhesive bond from a liquid to solid. Using SLP Super Bonder, it will instantly polymerises the adhesive, locking in fumes that can cause irritation and sensitivity. This also helps with lowering the risk of clients damaging to the lashes in the crucial first day after their fresh set. There are many other benefits to Super Bonder, for more info check out the description.


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